How to Make Exercise a Habit

How to Make Exercise a Habit

By now you’re well aware of the benefits related to daily cardio, stretching, and resistance activities. Not only does your heart get a massive...

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7 Signs of a Weak Core

7 Signs of a Weak Core

One of the interesting things I’ve learned in my career as a physical therapist is that many peoples’ injuries stem from weakness in the core. You...

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Client Spotlight: Amy Waugh

Client Spotlight: Amy Waugh

Every other month, I showcase a client I’ve worked with and how together, we’ve helped them knock their goals out of the park. I hope this gives you...

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How to Relieve Tension Headaches

How to Relieve Tension Headaches

I’ve started a new series where I’ll focus on a specific muscle group in the body each month. You’ll learn about why these muscles are important and...

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Client Spotlight: Renee

Client Spotlight: Renee

Every other month, I showcase a client I’ve worked with and how together, we’ve helped them knock their goals out of the park. I hope this gives you...

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Business Spotlight: Judy Ramsey

Business Spotlight: Judy Ramsey

Every other month, I showcase a business owner making a difference in their field. I hope this gives you a bit of inspiration—I know it keeps me...

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Dr. Steph's Five Fave Exercises

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Don’t know which exercises are best for you to do? We got you. We created a quick and easy program of our favorite five exercises to keep your whole body strong and moving well!

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