Client Spotlight: Jenn

Client Spotlight: Jenn

Every other month, I showcase a client I’ve worked with and how together, we’ve helped them knock their goals out of the park. I hope this gives you...

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Client Spotlight: Lori

Client Spotlight: Lori

Every other month, I showcase a client I’ve worked with and how together, we’ve helped them knock their goals out of the park. I hope this gives you...

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Why I Use a Gratitude Journal

Why I Use a Gratitude Journal

Now it’s more important than ever to develop positive habits to get you through trying situations (umm… can you say global pandemic!?) That’s why...

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Client Spotlight: Linda

Client Spotlight: Linda

Every other month, I showcase a client I’ve worked with and how together, we’ve helped them knock their goals out of the park. I hope this gives you...

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Client Spotlight: Sheri

Client Spotlight: Sheri

​Every other month, I showcase a client I’ve worked with and how together, we’ve helped them knock their goals out of the park. I hope this gives...

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Plantar Fasciitis: What The Heel?

Plantar Fasciitis: What The Heel?

​If you’re dealing with plantar fasciitis, you know how stubborn and tricky this ailment can be! In this post, I’ll break down the root causes and...

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2nd Trimester Pregnancy Update

2nd Trimester Pregnancy Update

I had heard from many women, books, and blogs that the 2nd trimester is like the light at the end of the brutal tunnel that is the 1st trimester....

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Dr. Steph's Five Fave Exercises

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