Are You Looking for a Physical Therapy Clinic in Westerville, OH?


Mondays 9 AM- 6:30 PM
Tuesdays 9 AM – 6:30 PM
Thursdays 10 AM – 5 PM
Fridays 6:30 AM- 12:30 PM

If you ready to get started…


We are located on Brooksedge Blvd, across Schrock Road from Rousch Honda. Once on Brooksedge Blvd, turn left into the parking lot. We share a building with FastSigns- they are on the left and we are on the right side of the building.

Dr. Steph's Five Fave Exercises

Get access to our Fave Five exercise program!

Don’t know which exercises are best for you to do? We got you. We created a quick and easy program of our favorite five exercises to keep your whole body strong and moving well!

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