My 2024 intention

My 2024 intention

If you’ve been following my content over the years, you know that I’m not a big fan of setting New Year’s resolutions. Why do we feel the need to declare a massive change in January while losing sight of our habits day-to-day? We put so much pressure on ourselves not...
How mental health affects physical health

How mental health affects physical health

At Empower Physio and Wellness, we approach healing and wellness from the inside out–and for good reason. Your mental and physical health are more intertwined than you may realize. A study from the Biological Psychiatry Journal found that mental illness may accelerate...
Finding beauty amidst the struggle

Finding beauty amidst the struggle

As I reflect on what I want to share with you this month, there is one theme that popped into my brain. For those of you who know me or have followed me for a while now, I’ll bet you can guess what it is. (Hint: It has to do with November and how I sign off on all my...
Dr. Steph's Five Fave Exercises

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