Quick full-body workout (15 minutes)
Last month on the blog we talked about the ideal weekly workout routine. But how do you actually...
How to run faster: My #1 secret
As a runner myself, I know how good that runner’s high feels. But here’s the ugly truth: Running and only running can get your body stuck. Maybe...
Best weekly workout routine for optimal movement
Running, weight lifting, yoga, pilates, spinning, bootcamp, barre, CrossFit…there are so many different types of exercise. Just when you thought...
How to relieve jaw tension
You know that feeling. Maybe it feels like clenching or tightness right away, or maybe you don’t realize it until you finally sit down at night....
How to relieve tight hamstrings (7 tips)
As a physical therapist, I hear complaints all the time related to tight hamstrings. In fact, the hamstrings get a bad rap for always being the...
How to feel younger this year
I have yet to meet someone who wouldn’t love to feel 20 again. There’s just something about the resiliency, strength, and overall awesomeness of...
New Year’s resolutions: Why to ditch them
It's the time of year again. Everywhere you look, you see tips and tricks on how to enter the new year with a bang. How to create the 2.0 version of...
12 physical therapy myths—busted
What if I told you everything you think you know about PT is WRONG and there are lots of physical therapy myths out there. It’s not your fault,...
How to treat tendonitis (Ask the PT)
So you think you have tendonitis. This feels like pain around your Achilles, knee, shoulder, or elbow that won’t seem to go away. You’ve always...
How to release tight hips
Do your hips feel tight? Has a chiropractor, physical therapist, or massage therapist ever told you that your hips are tight? This is a pretty...
How to stay fit while injured (Ask the PT)
Has that little nagging ache in your low back turned into daily discomfort? You used to notice it only when you were working out but now it seems to...
When to see a physical therapist
Your back has been bothering you for a while now and you're wondering when to see a physical therapist. You’ve *tried* to do some stretching, but...
How to reduce pain and discomfort 5 ways (Ask the PT)
You’re coasting along living life, regularly getting your sweat on at boot camp and spin class, and then one day out of nowhere it hits you. It’s...
How to fix back pain once and for all
You think you’re totally fine...until you’re not. You need to learn how to fix your back pain for good. Some days are manageable, but other days you...
Want to improve flexibility? Here’s my favorite method (Ask the PT)
We’ve all been there... You get out of bed in the morning and shuffle your way to the bathroom, holding on to the wall, doorframe, or dresser...
How to Look 10 Years Younger Right Now
Did you know that last year alone, the global anti-aging market was valued at $194.4 billion? Take a minute to let that number sink in! While...
Static stretching isn’t as effective as you think. Try this instead
Fact or myth: Spending 10 minutes per day stretching on the floor is key to keeping your muscles loose and healthy. Contrary to popular belief, this...
How to Prevent Injuries
One of the most common things I’ve been hearing over the past year is that people have been sitting more and moving less. As the world has seen...
Dry Needling Physical Therapy (Ask the PT)
Maybe you pulled a muscle while working out or suffer from shoulder tension related to stress. What if I told you I had a solution that could...
Shoulder Pain Relief Technique to Try
Do you suffer from shoulder tension regularly? Maybe you’ve tried getting massages or using fancy gadgets to find shoulder pain relief, but you...