Last month on the blog we talked about the ideal weekly workout routine. But how do you actually implement it? The biggest challenge I hear from clients and friends about working out is finding the time for it. I’ve got good news. You don’t need to spend a full hour at the gym to reap the benefits. Today, I’m sharing a quick full-body workout that you can knock out in just 15 minutes–because some form of movement is better than nothing and you’ll feel better afterward (I promise!)

This includes all my favorite moves in one action-packed routine. To be sure we keep it to 15 minutes on the dot, we are doing all of these moves for time. Added bonus: You can count the reps you do during each time allotment and track how you progress over time!

 *Disclaimer: You are responsible for your own body. Please only do this workout if it feels good for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your favorite physical therapist, trainer, or healthcare provider for individualized advice. 

Grab some weights (I’m using 15 lbs) and let’s get started!

Warm-up (3 mins)

  • Jumping jacks (1 min)
  • Air squats (1 min)
  • Down dog flow (1 min)

Power circuit (10 mins) repeat 3x

  • Reverse alternating lunges with bicep curl (1 min)
  • Deadlift with row (1 min)
  • Mountain climbers (1 min)
  • Rest (30 sec)

Cooldown (2 mins)

  • Windmill twists (1 min)
  • World’s greatest stretch (30 sec each side)

Optional grounding

  • Savasana (1 min)

I had a great time creating this quick full-body workout for you. Let me know how you liked it and remember, you can always come back and repeat it whenever you’re short on time and want to find a few minutes to move your body. Looking for a more customized plan tailored to you? Contact us and we’ll get you on the path to crushing your goals.

Dr. Steph's Five Fave Exercises

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