As much as I would like to say that physical therapy can fix all problems in every area of your life, that would be a lie. At Empower Physio and Wellness, we specialize in helping you take care of your physical body. We have a whole-body health approach to treating pain and dysfunction of muscles and joints by creating individual care plans unique to every patient. That includes providing advice on general wellness to improve nutrition, hydration, sleep habits, and stress management to help the body heal itself.

In addition to seeing a physical therapist (of course), there are a few other experts you can work with on a regular basis to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your body, mind, and spirit.

Work with a therapist to process difficult emotions

Everyone can benefit from therapy! It’s not just for individuals who have experienced trauma. One of the biggest benefits is gaining a better understanding of yourself through exploration. A therapist provides a safe place to process emotions and create healthy boundaries to improve the quality of relationships with those around you. They also provide tools to help you manage overwhelming emotions. Health starts from within so it’s super important to focus on your mental health.

Turn your dreams into a reality by meeting with a life coach

If you haven’t ever met with a life coach, this is your sign! Life coaches specialize in making your goals a reality. They can also help you set realistic goals for your current circumstances by creating action plans to help you overcome physical and mental obstacles. Life coaches work with you to modify old habits and thought patterns that may be getting in your way while providing options to accomplish your goals.

When it comes to whole-body health, implementing this triple threat will change your life. They will help you heal your body, manage your emotions, and overcome limiting thoughts. By tackling these key three areas of your life, nothing can stop you!

Want to learn more about our approach to whole-body health at Empower Physio and Wellness? Let’s chat.

Dr. Steph's Five Fave Exercises

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